Pro bono
What’s my coverage when working pro bono?
In Ontario there is a pressing need for legal services that can be accessed by low-income and disadvantaged persons. Many lawyers are stepping up and trying to address this gap through free services, discounted fees, or providing legal education to members of the public. Whenever legal services are being provided to the public, however, it… Read More »
Categories: 2016 September A2J, Access to Justice, Articles, Features, LAWPRO policy, Pro bonoLawyers: (Safely) make your own dent in the affordability barrier
Removing the barriers that stand between ordinary Ontarians and legal remedies will be a complex, long-term exercise. However, setting aside a few hours to do pro bono work is one way for lawyers to make a meaningful individual contribution to the bigger picture. LawPRO eases the decision to offer uncompensated services by offering lawyers special… Read More »
Categories: 2016 September A2J, Access to Justice, Articles, Errors & Omissions, LAWPRO policy, Pro bono