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Lawyers in private practice sole practitioners and lawyers in association or partnership in 2023

Standard insurance coverage
The base program
Required of all lawyers¹ providing services in private practice.²
Coverage limit:
$1 million per claim/$2 million in the aggregate (i.e., for all claims made in 2023), applicable to claim expenses and/or indemnity payments (some exceptions apply).3
Standard deductible:
$5,000 per claim, applicable to claim expenses and/or indemnity payments (some exceptions apply).3
Base premium:
$3,250 per insured lawyer (plus PST).
Innocent party sublimit4
$250,000 per claim/in the aggregate, applicable to claim expenses and/or indemnity payments (some exceptions apply).3
Mandatory Real Estate Practice Coverage (for real estate practitioners)
Required of all lawyers practising real estate law in Ontario in 2023.
Lawyers not eligible for the Real Estate Practice Coverage Option are:
- those who are in bankruptcy;
- those who have been convicted or disciplined in connection with real estate fraud; and/or
- those under investigation, where the Law Society obtains: an interlocutory suspension order or a restriction on the lawyer’s practice prohibiting the lawyer from practising real estate; or an undertaking not to practise real estate.
Coverage sublimit:
$250,000 per claim/$1 million in the aggregate, applicable to claim expenses and/or indemnity payments (some exceptions apply).3
$100 per lawyer (plus PST).
Optional insurance coverages
Innocent Party Sublimit Buy-Up5
Optional for all lawyers and eligible paralegal licensees practising in association or partnership (including MDPs, LLPs, and lawyer/paralegal partnerships), law corporations (with more than one lawyer and/or paralegal shareholder) and sole practitioners practising with employed lawyers.
Sublimit buy-ups & premiums:
Innocent Party Sublimit can be increased as follows:
- to $500,000 per claim/aggregate for an additional $75 per insured; or
- to $1 million per claim/aggregate for an additional $125 per insured.
Excess insurance coverage
Available to law firms (including multi-discipline partnerships and combined licensee firms) and to lawyers with topped-up Run-Off coverage.
Coverage limits:
Up to $9 million per claim/$9 million in the aggregate.