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Corporate citizenship: An evolving new LAWPRO mandate
In may 2011, the LAwPRO Board adopted a Corporate social Responsibility (CsR) statement that is based on four principles: a commitment to provide a healthy workplace, respect for the environment, support for the legal community, and support for the larger community in which we live and work.
The following is a summary of how LAwPRO fulfilled its role as a responsible corporate citizen in 2011.< 1. Providing a healthy and rewarding workplace through:
- policies & practices that respect diversity, promote inclusion & fellowship;
- providing opportunities for professional growth through education and service; and
- promoting health, safety and wellness.
A healthy, safe and rewarding workplace is fundamental to any organization’s success. LAWPRO ensures that its human resources policies and procedures are current and consistent with applicable and evolving legislation and regulation. We also support a health and safety and a wellness committee, provide funding for employees’ professional and educational development, and recognize long-service through an employee recognition program.
2. Respecting the environment through initiatives that meet dual mandate of being stewards of both the environment and the bar’s financial resources.
In addition to supporting an employee led Green Committee, we have an active program of reducing paper waste and developing technology solutions that result in a paper-reduced environment.
3 Fostering the legal community through:
- support and/or sponsorship of legal-related causes that advance the role/reputation of lawyers & foster access to justice (including causes supported by the bar);
- support of CLe and other activities that lead to the bar’s enrichment & foster ties to the legal community; and
- support of lawyer wellness.
More than 30 of our professional-level employees are actively involved on boards, committees and task forces of a variety of legal-related organizations. We regularly help organize CLE/CPD conferences and events; we speak at these events, as well as to individual firms on a wide variety of risk/practice management topics. These kinds of activities not only help us gain a better understanding of the bar’s needs, but also ensure that our risk management messages are getting heard. Our LAWPRO CPD Credit program encourages ongoing learning in the “soft” skills.
Through a proactive public awareness campaign, we educate consumers about the value of using a lawyer in real estate and other transactions – and in so doing support the real estate bar and access to justice in smaller communities.
- Supporting the broader Canadian community through:
- support for employee participation in charitable causes;
- support for the insurance industry;
- dialogue with government & regulatory bodies to represent bars’ interests (and related interests of consumers);
- expanding our range of materials in both official languages and other languages as needed.
LAWPRO employees are encouraged to be active volunteers and fundraisers. We also encourage them to participate in organizations representing the professional liability, title and general insurance sectors. A proactive government relations program ensures the voice of lawyers, and the interests of their clients, are heard in legislative and regulatory circles, on topics where LAWPRO believes it can bring insights.
To serve the needs of our multi-lingual audience, while also respecting our commitment to cost containment, we provide all mandatory insurance program materials in both English and French and other materials in selected languages as needed.