In This Issue of LAWPRO Magazine
Does a big claim scare you?

Excess insurance from LawPRO can give you peace of mind 1. What is excess coverage? Excess coverage is insurance that covers (for eligible claims) losses in excess of those covered under Ontario lawyers’ mandatory professional indemnity coverage, up to a limit chosen by the insured. Unlike the primary layer of coverage, under which the lawyer… Read More »
Are you a Maximizer or a Satisficer? How to make happier choices

The last time you bought a house or searched for a rental apartment, how did you choose, and how did you feel about your choice afterward? Psychologists studying the relationship between how we make choices and our life satisfaction have found that those who put the greatest effort into making choices are rewarded with less… Read More »
Does my LawPRO insurance cover assumed risks?

There are different types of risks that can lead to claims against lawyers: those that develop from errors or omissions, those that arise through intentional wrongdoing, and those that lawyers willingly accept for themselves. A lawyer’s professional indemnity (E&O) policy is intended to respond to claims arising from a lawyer’s error, omission or negligent act… Read More »
5 year rolling administrative dismissal date: Rule 48 after January 1, 2017

LawPRO reminds lawyers that on a rolling basis beginning January 1, 2017, matters commenced on or after January 1, 2012 will be automatically dismissed five years after they were commenced. Remember, the courts will dismiss actions without sending notices of any type to parties or their lawyers. Update internal firm systems to tickle all relevant… Read More »
Editorial: Who or what is really making our decisions?

The room was abuzz. Audience members were whispering questions and asking how to apply the new information in their offices. The event was a Law Society of Upper Canada Continuing Professional Development program entitled Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics for Legal Practitioners and I don’t remember sensing as much engagement in other recent events I have… Read More »
Reduce the distraction from the casino in your pocket

In the early days of email, one of the common bits of productivity advice was “turn off your inbox notifications.” The “You’ve Got Mail” sound or pop-up was a constant source of distraction while trying to get work done. Even with the advent of smartphones that advice was still mostly good enough. The phone meant… Read More »
Putting your best brain forward

The success of books like Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink and Norman Doidge’s The Brain that Changes Itself, has brought discussion of neuroscience out of the medical lab and into everyday conversation. The potential for what we know about the brain to be used to our advantage in the business and professional realms has spurred a growing… Read More »
The future of law: Why the real estate lawyer is the quarterback of the real estate deal

On June 22, 2016, surrounded by family and colleagues, Kathleen Waters was honoured with the 2016 Ontario Bar Association’s Award of Excellence in Real Estate. Her remarks included comments on the lawyer as quarterback and advice on moving successfully into the digital future. “I’m a passionate believer in the role of the lawyer as defender… Read More »
Reduce communication-related claims by understanding cognitive bias

Understanding cognitive biases can help reduce communication-related claims, which are the biggest source of malpractice claims. While many cognitive biases are dealt with by following some common sense principles, others are not as obvious. From anchoring effect to decision fatigue, knowing how your client makes decisions can help you build rapport with your clients, effectively… Read More »
Locked Down: Practical Information Security for Lawyers, 2nd Edition

The first edition of Locked Down: Information Security for Lawyers was published in 2012. It introduced law firms to the increasing importance of having proper cybersecurity for client and firm data. At the time, that concept was still new to a lot of firms and often not taken as seriously as it should have been…. Read More »
Understand how changing your practice status affects your insurance needs

A few of our most common questions about changes to practice status I may be taking a leave of absence from my practice. Do I have to continue to purchase insurance coverage? If you are planning a temporary leave from practice, you may become exempt from the requirement to buy insurance. If you meet the… Read More »