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What we did in 2022: We helped – the practicePRO program
The practicePRO program provides risk management, claims prevention and law practice management information for free. Its resources, precedents and checklists are intended to help Ontario lawyers take proactive steps to avoid legal malpractice claims and grow successful and thriving law practices.
In 2022, practicePRO focused on continuing to help lawyers adapt to workplace and practice changes brought about by COVID-19, the ongoing and evolving varieties of fraud, and areas of law with increased claims risks.
practicePRO’s multi-pronged fraud prevention approach continued to address wire fraud while also taking on the rapid emergence of ID frauds. Efforts included sending an Alert to educate lawyers about real estate frauds involving private mortgages, regularly speaking on fraud issues at continuing professional development programs, and holding a LAWPRO CPD in September 2022 focused on educating insureds about both wire fraud and ID frauds.