Keeping up with the changing reality of a civil litigation practice
Rapidly changing health and safety requirements have led to rapidly changing civil litigation rules and procedures. We’ve collected our best resources on new developments and trends in the litigation realm to help you stay on top of things and prepare for what comes next.
The impact of COVID-19 on limitation periods:
LAWPRO has collected helpful resources on calculating the post-suspension limitation periods, navigating the various statutory provisions, as well as common limitation pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Free CPD on managing mental health and working remotely
Maintaining your mental health is an important part of success as a lawyer. Learn more about resilience, wellness, and working remotely at these CPD eligible programs offered by the LSO, LAWPRO, and the TLA.
- Mental Health for Legal Professionals Summit
- Working Together, Remotely – Managing and Leading Through COVID and Beyond
- Continuing to Manage – Mental Health, Resilience and Resources
What you need to know about the new Contingency Fee reforms
On July 1, a new contingency fee regime comes into effect in Ontario. Read our 10 Tips on transitioning to the new regime, and sign up for the LSO’s upcoming seminar on this topic on June 9, worth 90 minutes of Professionalism CPD and approved for LAWPRO’s Risk Management Credit.
Should you report that silly, probably-not-a-claim? (Hint: yes)
Even if no-one has commenced litigation against you, or the potential claim seems frivolous, it’s always a good idea to err on the side of reporting the situation to LAWPRO
Our new Practice Tip Sheets
We’ve collected some of our best advice in areas such as managing deadlines, avoiding conflicts of interest, preventing fraud, and communicating with clients, into easy-to-review tip sheets available for download.
In case you missed it: Changes to the rules of civil procedure
On January 1, significant changes to the Rules of Civil Procedure came into force, including those affecting service by email, virtual hearings, and cloud-based storage and sharing of documents.