Inspiration and resources for new lawyers
While launching or building your career, don’t focus so closely on the daily grind that you lose sight of your reasons for practising law. An intentional, disciplined approach to building a practice will pay business and risk-management dividends.
The articles featured here can help you get a running start. If you like what you read, visit the practicePRO new lawyer page for regular doses of inspiration.
Brushing your teeth in the shower: Maximize efficiencies and develop your reputation among your colleagues by managing and exceeding expectations.
Build good practice habits to avoid malpractice claims: The new lawyer: Consistency in how you deliver service – from the questions you ask at intake to the steps you take when the client leaves the office – can help prevent malpractice claims.
Keeping up with the Joneses’ – or not: If there is one piece of advice worth giving, it’s this: spend less than you earn.
Also in this issue:
Essential dos and don’ts for LinkedIn users: If you aren’t on LinkedIn, you should take the plunge.
What will they ask you in the interview? Our practice questions can get you ready to think on your feet.
Book review: The future of the professions – How technology will transform the work of human experts by Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind.