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In This Issue of LAWPRO Magazine

Life after graduation: An article about articles

To be a lawyer is to be accustomed to words. Files, contracts, factums, letters, memos, dictation, transcripts, dockets, emails, pleadings. Words. Some words seldom seen or used outside the parlance of the profession. A new lawyer isn’t simply licensed, they’re called. At which point they will hopefully not be hired by a client, but retained…. Read More »

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Get your law practice off to the best possible start

Professional liability claims can take the wind out of the sails of anyone’s legal career, but can be especially demoralizing for a new lawyer. Your best chance at avoiding claims is to develop great working habits right from the start. Here are some practice ‘resolutions’ that you may want to consider. Want more? Read the… Read More »

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The Member Assistance Program

Many students and lawyers find themselves confronting mental health and wellness issues during their career. If you find yourself dealing with depression, anxiety, addiction, or other mental health or wellness concerns, know that you’re not alone. The Ontario Member Assistance Program (“MAP”) operated by Homewood Health provides resources and counselling at no cost to Ontario… Read More »

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LAWPRO is not like your auto insurer

In my more than 20 years of defending lawyers on malpractice claims, I continue to be amazed at how little some lawyers seem to know about the “LAWPRO policy” and how a claim is handled. I am also frustrated by how often lawyers have not done even the simplest things that could help them avoid… Read More »

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Common practice pitfalls: And how to avoid them

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) was created to insure lawyers against legal malpractice claims. Most claims are brought by a lawyer’s own client and include an allegation that the lawyer made a mistake or did not meet the standard of care expected of him or her when delivering legal services. Our records suggest that almost… Read More »

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Taking the gloom out of zoom: Ten teleconferencing tips

It turns out, the class we all needed was “Lawyering by Zoom 101”. It’s clear that remote meetings and videoconferencing are now a permanent part of the legal profession. But while online meetings bring benefits and convenience, they can also bring confusion and frustration. We’ve summarized ten teleconferencing tips to help you be the best… Read More »

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How modern lawyers are built from many pieces

The year is 2021. Everyone has a supercomputer in their pocket. Artificial meat is 3D printed in a lab. Somewhere a car is driving itself and a robot is doing a backflip. And, at long last, many courts have finally instituted remote hearings by video conference. The legal system may adapt slowly to changing technology,… Read More »

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Phishing scams: Be the one that got away

Phishing involves the use of an email, text message or phone call that appears to come from a trusted source or institution, vendor or company, but is actually from a third-party impostor. Phishing messages are intended to trick you into giving fraudsters your information by asking you to update or confirm personal or online account… Read More »

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The First Timer’s Going to Court Cheat Sheet

Going to court for the first time can be an intimidating experience, but it can become familiar with practice. The level of formality and decorum in a courtroom is a unique part of Canadian life and should be treated seriously. Unlike what you may have seen on shows and social media, proceedings are rarely punctuated… Read More »

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Essential LinkedIn dos and don’ts for law students

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With over 500 million users in more than 200 countries (including at least a million lawyers) and web traffic that ranks it as the 18th most visited site on the planet, LinkedIn is the social networking tool of choice for professionals. LinkedIn (LI) can also be useful to law students in a number of ways…. Read More »

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How would you answer these job interview questions?

Job interviews can be very stressful. It’s not easy to answer questions about yourself, especially when they are open-ended questions that address your personality, work habits, ability to do teamwork and so on. Good answers are the key to a successful interview, and hopefully a job offer. The questions asked at job interviews are fairly… Read More »

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New lawyer cyber dangers and how to avoid them

sinister man stealing laptop

Like the local bank, your practice holds valuable information and money. Your computer systems may contain client information, trade secrets, and intellectual property. Your trust accounts have large sums of money. A cyber breach or trust account theft will harm your clients and potentially cripple your practice. Security guards, specialized safes, and sophisticated procedures protect… Read More »

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What I wish I knew in law school

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Midway through their articling terms at LawPRO we asked Raymond Ashurov and Rahim Andani to reflect on their law school experiences and how they relate to their early working experiences. Keep an open mind Many students enter law school with a preconceived plan of courses and the area of law in which they want to… Read More »

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Job market scoop: What do law firms look for?


Law students – like all students – are prone to anxiety about their career prospects. High-profile news about the employment challenges faced by new grads in the U.S. and changes in the articling requirements for Ontario have combined to create a climate of worry. But worrying about trends and generalizations can obscure the fact that… Read More »

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Stress management for law students (2016)

We all know what law school stress looks like. Come exam time, we see its physical manifestations: the law student, hibernating in the law library, subsisting on a diet of coffee and candy, sits surrounded by mountains of books, empty cans of energy drinks and an arsenal of highlighters. We recognize the bloodshot eyes and… Read More »

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Why I chose a career before law school (2014)

girl dressed as student and also lawyer

While many students take the LSAT and if accepted, go to law school after completing a first degree, some choose a different path. Many law students take a few years off in between, for several reasons, including making sure this is the career they want. Last year’s LawPRO articling students, along with one of LawPRO’s… Read More »

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Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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