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LAWPRO evolves in step with the profession

2014 marked the fourth year that LAwPRO’s base premium held steady at $3,350, but the terms of the policy have evolved continually since it was first introduced. As lawyers change the way they practise law, LAwPRO has taken steps to ensure that coverage remains relevant and responsive.
To facilitate geographical mobility, LAwPRO introduced co-ordinated coverage for Ontario lawyers also called in Quebec. In recognition of the need for consistent coverage for individuals practising together, paralegal licensees who practise in partnership with lawyers must now carry LAwPRO professional indemnity insurance. LAwPRO clarified its approach to the problem by establishing a $250,000 coverage sublimit for cybercrime losses. Also, a $10,000 increase in deductible was introduced for certain claims based on the administrative dismissal of actions for delay.
As always, coverage options are designed to reflect the risk profiles of lawyer categories, and many lawyers pay less than the base premium.